Onze Honden:


Rose's Eternity of the Rush-Meadow (Blossom)  geb. 17-04-2008
(Inassicas Coriander x Rose's Floralia of the Rush-Meadow) 


Floralia's Rose of the Rush-Meadow  (Flower)  geb. 20-07-2001
(Unmatchable Max of the Rush-Meadow x Darla's Floralia of the Rush-Meadow)



Flower's Dark Blue of the Rush-Meadow (Floris) geb. 27-09-2007
(Inassicas Coriander x Floralia's Rose of the Rush-Meadow)



  Bij onze dochter Caroline en haar gezin woont:

Rose's Blue Label of the Rush-Meadow  (Djerba)  geb. 15-12-2006
 (Solstrimmans Blue Znowball x Illustrious Rose of the Rush-Meadow)